The grass is rarely greener, but it's always different and setTimeout comparing scenario

In the Ember internals (Backburner) it can be found that basically calls setTimeout() under the hood, but respecting the firing order by which other timeouts were added into the queue.

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  appName: "Timers comparison",
  init: function() {
    this.set('myErrCountLater', 0);
    this.set('myErrCountTimeout', 0);
  myFunc: function(errorCount) {
    if (errorCount < 7) {
      self = this;
            this.set('myErrCountLater', errorCount);
        console.log("Error Count Later is " + errorCount + ", repeating");, function () {
        return self.myFunc(errorCount+1);
      }, 1500);
    else {
        console.log("Everything failed");
  myOtherFunc: function(errorCount) {
    if (errorCount < 7) {
      self = this;
      this.set('myErrCountTimeout', errorCount)
      console.log("Error Count Timeout is " + errorCount + ", repeating");
      setTimeout(function() {
        return self.myOtherFunc(errorCount + 1);
      }, 1500);
    else {
      console.log("Everything failed");

Internally the only difference is that every function that is run as a callback inside will be pushed into an array where it will fire only after all previously queued events have fired, respecting the queuing order.

#ember #javascript #learning #programming