Automatically loading json files to ElasticSearch
Right now at work I am working in the (Big Data Europe) project, a joint effort or several organizations and enterprises accross Europe to create a platform that provides a set of software services that allow to implement big data pipelines, with minimal effort compared to other stacks and in an extremely cost effective way.
This is to make any company or organization that wants to make sense of their data using Big Data an easy starter to play around with the technologies that allow so.
One of the pieces I developed is mu-bde-logging, a standalone system that allows to log HTTP traffic from running docker containers and post it into an EL(K) stack in real time for further visualization.
Last requirement was to add the possibility to replay old traffic backups and post them into the ElasticSearch instance to visualize them offline in Kibana.
So I wrote a small script to scan for the transformed .ha files (json format) in a given folder and replay them into the ElasticSearch container. Since ElasticSearch & Kibana containers are part of a docker-compose.yml project, I didn't care much about being generic and used the name the docker-compose script will give the containers, but it is easy to change & extend.
The Code
This is what I came up with:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#/ Usage: ./ <backups_folder>
#/ Description: Run ElasticSearch and Kibana standalone and post every enriched .har file in the backups folder to ElasticSearch.
#/ Examples: ./ backups/
#/ Options:
#/ --help: Display this help message
usage() { grep '^#/' "$0" | cut -c4- ; exit 0 ; }
expr "$*" : ".*--help" > /dev/null && usage
# Convenience logging function.
info() { echo "[INFO] $@" ; }
cleanup() {
# Poll the ElasticSearch container
poll() {
local elasticsearch_ip="$1"
local result=$(curl -XGET http://${elasticsearch_ip}:9200 -I 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
if [[ $result == "200" ]]; then
return 1 # ElasticSearch is up.
return 0 # It will execute as long as the return code is zero.
# Parse Parameters
while [ "$#" -gt 1 ];
case $key in
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" = "$0" ]]; then
trap cleanup EXIT
# Start Elasticsearch & Kibana with docker Compose
which docker-compose >/dev/null
if (( $(echo $?) == "0" )); then
docker-compose up -d elasticsearch kibana
info "Install docker-compose!"
exit -1
# Poll ElasticSearch until it is up and we can post hars to it.
elasticsearch_ip=$(docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' mubdelogging_elasticsearch_1)
info "ElasticSearch container ip: ${elasticsearch_ip}"
while poll ${elasticsearch_ip}
info "ElasticSearch is not up yet."
sleep 2
# Find all .trans.har files in the specified backups folder/
# Per each one, pos to ElasticSearch.
info "Ready to work!"
info "POST all enriched hars "
find ${BACKUP_DIR} -name "*.trans.har" | sed 's/^/@/g' | xargs -i /bin/bash -c "sleep 0.5; curl -XPOST 'http://$elasticsearch_ip:9200/hars/har?pretty' --data-binary {}"
Have fun!